quarta-feira, abril 2


Oi gente, bom dia!
Tenho uma listona de posts pra escrever, ne?
Mas antes de tudo vou deixar avisado que daqui pra frente vou fazer o possivel pra escrever em ingles, pois tem varias meninas de outros paises que conheci no treinamento que tem blog tambem e seria legal que elas entendessem meus posts ne? :) e eh bom que todo mundo treina o ingles e tal haha

Here are some pictures of my arrival at home!

got home and already made a mess! 
My HM bought me that basket full of higiene stuff, a dictionary (PT-BR/EN-AM) and a hoodie.

my amazing flowers that lasted 2 weeks!
They gave me these flowers at the hotel. Was the second time in life someone gave me flowers! Love it!

not the view from my room. 

So, I arrived on a Thursday afternoon, right after lunch. My host family picked me up at the hotel and we went to Jersey City to see NYC and the Hudson River. Then we went to an amazing sandwich shop in Chatham, which is close to where I live, and after that we came home. 
It was AWESOME. I barely walked inside the house and my kid ran to me, held me by the hand and started to show me the places and stuff. I guess it was his way to say "welcome, Natalia! I can not wait to play with you!". The nanny was holding my baby and as soon as she saw me she started to laugh. She laughed so much I can't even describe. My HM said it was the first time she was THAT happy. 
I really like where I live. It is a small town in a nice area. There are lots of food places to go! Parks, malls, etc. Just need a Shake Shack :( hahahaha
The house is not too big, but I have a nice bathroom and bedroom (with closet, TV, big bed and 2 windows that I love hahaha).
My HF is spectacular! I love them! I really feel part of them!

See ya!

3 comentários:

  1. Oi Natalia! Adorei seu post, fico bem feliz que tudo tenha dado certo. Também fico bem feliz por ter entendido direitinho teu texto *-* Achei uma ótima ideia escrever só em inglês.
    Beijos <3

    1. haha que bom que voce entendeu! ingles eh muito simples, de verdade.. <3

  2. Não sei porquê não consigo seguir o blog pelo GFC, só por e-mail mesmo. Beijos <3
